Healthy Lunch Box Options for Back to School

Whether we’re ready of not, the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season returns! And just like you and I, moms everywhere are finding themselves faced with the daily challenge of packing lunches that are both delicious and nutritious for their little ones.

While the convenience of school cafeteria meals might seem appealing, there are compelling reasons why preparing your child's lunch at home can make a significant difference in their health and well-being.

In this blog post, I’ll explain the benefits of packing a lunch as opposed to purchasing one and provide you with an easy, printable collection of easy-to-prepare lunch ideas that are sure to keep your kids excited and energized throughout the school day.

The Benefits of Packing a Lunch

  • Nutritional Control: When you pack your child's lunch, you have complete control over the ingredients and portions. This allows you to prioritize whole foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, ensuring that your child receives a well-rounded and nutritious meal.

  • Avoiding Processed Foods: Pre-packaged school lunches can often be laden with processed foods, excessive sodium, and added sugars. By preparing a lunch at home, you can minimize your child's exposure to these less-than-ideal ingredients.

  • Cost Savings: Over time, purchasing lunch from the school cafeteria can add up. Packing your child's lunch allows you to buy ingredients in bulk and make use of leftovers, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

  • Environmental Impact: Opting to pack a lunch can contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. When you pack your child's lunch, you have greater control over the packaging and waste generated. By using reusable containers, water bottles, and utensils, you can significantly reduce single-use plastic and other disposable materials. This small yet impactful choice helps teach your child about the importance of sustainability and taking care of the environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and eco-consciousness from an early age.

  • Educational Opportunity: Involving your child in the lunch-packing process can be an educational experience. It provides a chance to teach them about balanced nutrition, portion sizes, and food preparation, setting them up for a healthier relationship with food in the future.

Easy-to-Prepare Lunch Ideas

Get ready to elevate your kids lunch-packing game with these mouthwatering and wholesome ideas that are bound to make your little ones' taste buds dance with delight. Wave goodbye to uninspiring cafeteria options and say hello to a world of culinary creativity right in your kitchen. From wraps that burst with flavor to protein-packed power bowls that fuel active minds, these easy-to-prepare lunches are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a celebration of nutritious goodness.

Let's dive into a palette of possibilities that will leave your kids eagerly anticipating their midday meal!

  • Turkey and Veggie Wrap: Spread hummus or cream cheese on a almond flour wrap, layer on slices of turkey, and add a colorful assortment of thinly sliced veggies such as bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots. Roll it up and slice into bite-sized pieces for an easy and satisfying lunch.

  • Bento Box Delight: Create a bento box with an array of finger-friendly options. Include cheese cubes, almond flour crackers, apple slices, cherry tomatoes, and a small container of almond butter or full-fat yogurt for dipping.

  • Homemade Lunchables: Make your own version of the classic Lunchables by packing whole-grain crackers, nitrate-free deli meats (like our very own Ham slices), cheese slices, and a medley of fresh fruit.

  • DIY Salad Bowl: Prep a base of mixed greens and let your child customize their own salad. Provide a variety of toppings such as boiled eggs, chickpeas, shredded carrots, and a homemade vinaigrette dressing.

One thing I’ve learned over the years preparing my own kids lunches is… they will eat what you pack, especially if they’re hungry and they enjoy it! As a mom, you’re primary job is to ensure you’re child is fed well, and since you’re ready this, know you’re doing great!

Here is a pdf with MANY more ideas, including main, sides and snacks! Click here to download yours to place it on the fridge for a quick reference when you’re not quite awake.

Remember packing a lunch for your child offers a multitude of benefits. With these easy-to-prepare lunch ideas in your arsenal, you'll not only be providing your child with nourishing and delicious meals but also instilling healthy eating habits that will benefit them for years to come. So, roll up your sleeves, get creative in the kitchen, and watch your child thrive with each wholesome bite.

And just incase your forgot… You’re doing great, mom!

Gina OrrComment